1. Publisher, host, owner
The www.d-b.lu website and its content are the property of de Buedemleër sàrl.
Head office: 13 ZARE Ouest L-4384 Ehlerange
Telephone: +352 558 758 1
Website: www.d-b.lu
Registered capital: €100,000
Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register: B164 630
Intracommunity VAT: LU 25044285
Martine Jungers, Administrative Manager, is director of the publication of this website.
The website was created, designed, developed and is hosted by the communication agency Nvision S.A., 7 rue Jean Fischbach, Z.A Am Bann, L-3372 Leudelange, LUXEMBOURG. In the event that you notice an anomaly or in the event that you encounter issues on this website, you, as the user, are invited to inform the Company of this by using the contact form.
By pursuing their visit, the user unconditionally accepts the terms and conditions hereinafter.
Furthermore, de Buedemleër reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of use of the website hereof at any time. In view of this, de Buedemleër advises all users to regularly consult the latest version of the terms and conditions of use of the website. In the event of claims, the user may contact the website publisher by using our contact form.
2. Site purpose
The purpose of this website is to:
- Present de Buedemleër's services and products
- Provide contact and access details for its premises
- Collect email addresses to re-contact persons interested by de Buedemleër products.
3. Intellectual property
The site, its content, texts, photos, publications and documents are protected by copyright. de Buedemleër holds the intellectual property rights for its reproduction and its representation.
Any reproduction, representation or adaptation, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior written consent from de Buedemleër.
4. Cookies
a. Definition
The user is informed that when they visit www.d-b.lu, one or several cookies may be automatically stored on their computer for the purpose of d-b.lu website consultation statistics (Google Analytics).
A "cookie" is a small text file stored by the web browser on the visitor's hard drive. The cookie does not identify the user but stores information relating to user computer browsing on our site (pages viewed, date viewed, etc.). We inform the user that they may accept or refuse the storage of cookies by changing their browser settings.
b. Cookies used
i. Analytics
The only cookie used is Analytics for the purpose of website consultation statistics. The Google Analytics cookie stores anonymous information about browsing and in particular about the pages viewed, the date and time of viewing, the source sites used to access the website, the geographical area and the IT equipment used (operating system, browser, screen resolution, etc.).
For Google Analytics, this information remains stored on the user's computer for 18 months.
5. Personal data
a. Contact form
The contact form present on the site stores the information entered in the various fields in a database.
This data may only be consulted by the site administrator and site publisher (exceptionally in the event of technical issues). This data is only stored and consulted for the purpose of entering into contact with the persons who wish to be re-contacted by completing the form. This data is not used for any other end.